Is Salt Himalayan Safe During Pregnancy?

Posted On: 07/08/2019 - Viewed: 41605
Proper nutrition during pregnancy imperitive. By choosing Himalayan salt in place of regular table salt, you can provide yourself and your baby essential nutrients.

Proper nutrition is important on any given day.  However, it’s even more critical when you’re pregnant.  Not only are you responsible for your own health, but that of a newborn as well.  One of the most controversial elements of the everyday diet is salt.  Is salt good for you? How much salt should one consume per day? Although the answers to these questions vary based on individuals, Himalayan salt is always the safer alternative to traditional table salt.


Why You Need Sodium

Sodium is a chemical element that works to regulate the fluid levels, temperature, and pH levels of your body. Although it’s added to many foods automatically, you should be cautious on the source.  Often, sodium will contain chlorine.  Otherwise known as, sodium chloride, table salt gets its pure white color from chemical processing. If the option is yours, choosing Himalayan salt will ensure a chemical-free solution.

During pregnancy your body’s volume of blood and other fluids increases, sodium can help to keep everything in balance. On top of that, iodine, which is added to some table salts (you may have seen the word “iodized” on the salt package label), is critical for your baby’s brain and nervous system development.

How Much Salt is OK

According to guidelines established by the USDA, approximately one teaspoon or 2,400 milligrams of salt should be the maximum amount consumed per day. Even during pregnancy, the same numbers apply. However, with salt present in all sorts of prepared foods, the average person will consume more than the limit.

The Best Sources of Sodium

Whenever possible, choosing fresh over prepared foods will provide you with the healthiest sources of sodium.  Present in most foods, sodium can be found in the healthiest of options such as; vegetables, eggs, fish, fruit, and grains.  However, if you’re looking for the extra boost of flavor when cooking, remember to go light.  Himalayan salt makes this easy as the taste is bold and a little goes a long way.


Sneaky Places Where Salt is Hiding

  • Bread: A slice of white bread has almost 150 mg of sodium. Although that may not seem like much, think about the amount of bread you may consume in one day.
  • Condiments: What you put on your food has a significant effect on your sodium intake. A tablespoon of ketchup has 154 mg of sodium, barbecue sauce has 175 mg, and a tablespoon of soy sauce has a whopping 1,005 mg of sodium. Salad dressings are another culprit.
  • Cereal: Your morning bowl of cereal may taste more sweet than salty, but some cereals contain a lot of salt. For instance, even cereal with a “healthier” reputation, corn flakes, has 204 mg of sodium in a one-cup single serving.


When watching your salt intake, consider Himalayan Salt Company for the healthiest options.  Click here to view the full line of options we provide in gourmet salts. A truly, clean, unprocessed food, Himalayan salt will curb the cravings while providing the nutritional benefits you seek.

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