The Positive Benefits of Negative Ions on Cognitive Performance
Posted On: 08/03/2016 - Viewed: 40786
As noted in the research undertaken by Toyota in 2002, negative ion exposure can increase cognitive performance. Years before this publication, however, researchers R.A.Duffee and R.H.Koontz were investigating ions and witnessing similar results.
In 1965, they published a study in Psychophysiology that tested the effects of negatively ionized air on the cognitive functioning of rats. The study found that the rats’ abilities to navigate a water maze improved by an average of 350% with negative ion exposure, which suggested a significant boost in cognitive ability. Moreover, the performances of the older rats living in a negatively ionized atmosphere showed even more improvement.
In 1974, twenty subjects were exposed to negative ions and monitored by electroencephalogram (EEG), which records the electrical activity of the brain. Negative ion therapy had measurable effects on brainwave patterns, and the subjective findings of the study’s subjects included alertness and improvement in working capacity. A few years later, Ergonomics published a study that measured the effects of both negative and positive ions on the performance of psychomotor tasks and noted an association between negative ion exposure and increased ability.
Robert A.Baron conducted a number of experiments with negative ions during the 1980s. in one experiment, male and female subjects worked on three different tasks- proofreading, memory span, word finding- in the presence of log, moderate, or high concentrations of negative ions. Results suggested that moderate amounts of these ions improved the males’ performance on two of these tasks (proofreading and memory span).
In another experiment, male and female subjects performed two additional tasks- copying a letter and making decision- in the presence of low, moderate, or high concentrations of negative ions in the air. For both sexes, letter-copying ability increased significantly in the face of rising ion levels. In terms of decision making, the male subjects of this research displayed a tendency to select initially preferred alternative when exposed to moderate amounts negative ions. Baron’s published study of these experiments showed that negative ions have the potential to boost cognitive performance. Moreover, this notable conclusion has actually been bolstered by the reports of a number of other researchers over the past few decades.
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